Jun 25, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

i have ~2mos left until I leave my job in California for school in NYC. I need help with this final stretch: finding the right apartment and hiring movers/getting myself there.

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so exciting, what a transition moment! i know you will find the right path there. sending you good energy!

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I just got started rock climbing and took a great intro course. I want to go rock climbing outside, and I need help finding solid climbing partners who will go with me and continue to help me learn.

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⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ may the right people find you!!

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I need help finding a house that my husband and I love, that’s close to my new workplace, and that has an amazing grocery store nearby.

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sending you good energy around this desire!!

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I need help finding a job that I will love and thrive in and a good day care for my puppy when it comes.

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I'm sending you a lot of love and good fortune around this, Lisa!

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I recently had a breast cancer scare. I lay there, exposed and terrified in a dark room, while a tech took ultrasound images of my left breast. During those endless minutes, the only emotion I felt more keenly than fear was regret. All that wasted time- afraid to do the one thing that I have dreamed of doing since childhood- when time was the one thing I could not afford to waste. I silently vowed to take that leap. I committed to finally write a novel, despite my fears and regardless of the outcome of the ultrasound. One week and a deep sigh of relief later (No cancer detected!), I still have not started writing because I need an idea. I am asking for inspiration from the Universe, please. I wrote that vow on my heart, and with just a little creative encouragement, I know I can uphold it!

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sending so much love, Carla. sometimes it truly takes those terrifying moments for us to realize what matters. i know the universe will send you the right idea at the right time! and in the meantime, if you have never tried morning pages journaling, i would google it and give it a try. it ultimately helps with letting ideas flow through!

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Thanks, Catherine❣️

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I need help finding a new job: I want to switch industries. I recently moved and also need find with final unpacking and organizing. Thank you for this great reminder to ask for help! Have already done so on job front, and know who to reach out to on apt front too.

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yes! and here is taneen if you choose to use her, she is great! https://www.instagram.com/housetohometlc/?hl=en

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I'm almost done with the editing process for my first feature film. I need help finding money to help us finish this last push of post-production!

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yes! and how much do you need? specific help is always appreciated by the universe!

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I need help finalizing a big trip I'm taking to meet a pen pal of mine in Germany! There are a lot of unknowns - I don't know the language, I've only ever FaceTimed her once after 9 years of writing letters, and it's my first time in the area. As an HSP and an Aries, I love adventure but also need downtime and space to just breathe and be at peace. It's about two months away so I need to stay grounded as I finalize airplane tickets, travel insurance and continue to prepare myself for this experience

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This sounds like the most amazing adventure! Sending all the good energy to you for it!

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I prayed for help studying for the bar, then a friend from law school called me saying he passed someone who looked like me on the street (odd, because there aren't too many jellyfish in Brooklyn).

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Ok, I'm asking the Universe for help. I need a new car to drive my kids around safely. 💫🌏💞😁🙏

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I need help with shifting my pattern of always feeling overly responsible for everything and working beyond my resources. 😅

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