Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I loved this! (I seem to love every single one of your newsletters! So rich with helpful content.) It’s like you are speaking to me directly. I, too, lived/lived on the writing/creative fringes. The inner turmoil! I grew up in a household of mathematicians. Taking you up on the challenge within: I want to write a children’s book— more than one. And I want to fall in love.

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Yes Katie! Way to claim this. I am proud of you, and holding that vision of love and children's books for you. They are your desires, so they are right and meant to be expressed!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Pie in the sky dream: I’d love to be a writer & meditation/breathwork teacher & have a home in both Japan & Switzerland. Even though I have no idea how this will happen, it feels super fun to say out loud!

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YES! the "how" is not ours - the river will take us there. But we must name it so we have a destination to aim towards. Love these beautiful, beautiful dreams and celebrating them with you!

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Oh I love that. Writing this down in my journal. As always, thank you Catherine!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

The big one this year is to have a family, and I'm more and more sure it's falling into place - very much because I'm surrendering to what''s happening, and with whom.

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Ooh Micaela I just got goosebumps which means truth has been spoken :) Sending you and this sweet desire all of my love and support!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I think I want to go back to college to study Textiles. Aged 65 ! My first degree, 40 years ago ( it feels quite surreal writing that ) was in Fashion & Textiles, but Fashion was the emphasis and that’s the career I originally went into. I’ve thought for a long time that Textiles would have suited me better. But I’m not 100% sure about this. More importantly right now is that my partners health is not great and it feels like he, and us, needs to be my focus for the time being, as I don’t know how long that will be for.

I am quite attuned to the River metaphor, I generally find it very helpful.

Thank you for writing the Sunday soother.

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I love this desire!! And we don't need to know the "how" when we're first exploring our desires - so often we'll talk ourselves out of our desires with being "realistic" or other logistics. So just let yourself feel into this desire and dream a bit about it :-) Thank you for being here and being a reader!

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I want my novel to be published by a major publishing house. And I want to write & publish at least 2 more.

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There you go! Bam! Holding and seeing this for you. <3

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Thanks for the support. It was hard for me to write “by a major house”—as if that were asking too much, getting ahead of myself. But it is what I most want.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

After 10+ years in corporate-nothing-but-9-to-5-jobs, my biggest dream is to work part time. After my maternity leave, I yearn to have time to just live and give myself permission to fill my life with art (whatever that may mean, but I deeply feel I need it)

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A beautiful and nourishing dream! This is possible for you and sending you so much good energy and love around it. xo

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I loved the acorn and egg metaphor, thank you for this. I desire to speak on stages about my thoughts and stories! I already feel it happening!

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Abso-freaking-lutely, I can see this so clearly for you Nisha! You will be amazing at it and help so many people <3

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🥹🥹🥹 thank you!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

An odd dream that popped into my head a few months ago and keeps persistently showing up is that I want to become a Disney travel agent. I have no idea how or when, but it sounds so fun. I've reached out to a few people who do this work to hear about their experience 🤞 the pieces are slowly falling into place.

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OMG. This is so fun, I love this one!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Absolutely loving this series. One dream is to quit my job and take another six month sabbatical before starting work again. The sabbatical I took back in 2018-2019 is still the most joyous, freeing time of my life. I want to feel that again. And I want to spend at least a month of time off in Italy, eating bread, cheese, tomatoes, and olive oil every day :)

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

OK, I'm tagging along, too...

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I want to forever quit my corporate job and be a writer with published articles and eventually books, and a therapist or coach, working for myself and making my own schedule for the rest of my life. I want this life to somehow support me in owning an apartment in Brooklyn and a nature getaway in the Catskills. AND (and I know you can't make anyone else to do something) but in this dream my husband and I are happier and more deeply emotionally connected than ever because he has also started to do some of his own inner work with me :)

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YES AVERY! this is obtainable, I promise. don't worry about the how, just keep taking your inspired action steps and follow your intuition!

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I see it for you, Avery!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I've recently been discussing with my partner my dream to have land and a garden that we can live at least largely off of and share our bounty with friends and family and neighbors. I've been daydreaming about it for years, but I finally see it so clearly.

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Oh, I love this so much Allyson! Holding this vision for you <3

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I want to live the hell out of life...or at least be willing to show up and try. And to not be afraid of the failing that follows the trying -- a price worth paying in order to finally realize my dreams! I want to express myself creatively: as a writer; as a poet; as a painter; as a singer! I want to see the world! I want to lean into my quirky, free-spiritedness and create an uninhibited life of JOY, LOVE, VITALITY, DARING & WONDER!

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Yes Carla! Vitality for you! <3 much love!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

My dreams: to be an excellent director who both creates my own passion-filled, intentional work and collaborates with other creative people to bring their visions to life, to own a home in Los Feliz and NYC, and to build a life with a trusted romantic partner woooo!

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YES! WOOOOOO indeed!!!!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I want to undertake a pilgrimage

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Amazing! Do you know where to?

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Eventually Mecca, feel the desire to practice first: something nature oriented, something music oriented, something recovery oriented.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I dream of opening up an institute for connecting with the deeper truth and meaning for everyone from youth to corporates and teaching on emotional freedom to authentic alignment. 💛

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Loved this newsletter so much! I have a few desires. I dream of getting married and raising a family. I dream of hosting dinner parties (good company makes everything better). I dream of working for an inspiring company like Virgin Atlantic, where fun is a key part of the workplace.

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