Jun 18, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews


I love your newsletter.

I already do the first 3 things, the morning pages, the morning walk in nature and the meditating ( I usually do mine in the bath ….. can’t tell myself I need to be doing something else when I’m there ! )

I like the idea of the No looking at your phone for the weekend, so, might it be an idea to send out your newsletter later on Sunday, so we’re not tempted to look.

Just a thought.

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aww thank you so much for liking the newsletter! i schedule it pretty early so any folks in europe/etc can get it during Sunday. try sitting with the temptation and see if you can just notice what it feels like without acting on it, as a practice!

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I’m in the UK so it arrives in my in box quite early, but you’re right, I just need to set the intention.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Love you and your newsletter! Always thoughtfully curated advice, tips, and recommendations! I also do all 3 mentioned, but could be "better" at them :) Its that "I don't have time" mentality that I need to overcome and dedicate time to do these things more consistently (aka morning pages)

Walks - I do so much walking, yet always have an audio book or podcast playing, bc once again, I feel i need to multitask - society has done a number on us ;). The days I walk in nature are so theraputic, I can def. try to incorporate some more of these days, but not willing to give up my podcasts and audio books ;).

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he he, i feel you. maybe try 5-10 minutes of one walk in silence, just to see what arises? but i get you - there is so much good content to listen to these days!

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I always feel such a strong urge to constantly have an audiobook or podcast playing almost at all times - I think for a few reasons 1) there’s so much good content out there! I learn so much from them 2) because there’s so much good content out there I always feel like I’m “behind” (behind whom I have no idea) - my list of “to be listened to” podcasts and audiobooks is so long. It almost feels like I’m wasting time if I take a walk and don’t have one playing. (That does not feel good to say out loud because I know it’s not true.) all that to say, my goal is to either take a walk without having a podcast playing and/or to do a chore like washing the dishes or folding laundry without one playing.

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this is a great goal, and beautiful reflections! let us know how the walk goes!

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Loving the new format, Catherine! I've really been leaning into morning pages and long walks lately. Looking forward to spending more time in parks this summer!

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Jun 19, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Really enjoying this series Catherine! I’m going to decluttering, and hope to try out morning pages.

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decluttering is surprising powerful - good luck!!

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Morning pages! I recently joined a CreativeMornings Field Trip where we started reading the book and writing morning pages together. I just did my first last week and am excited to continue this practice! I missed a few days over the weekend due to travel, but it's already been helpful for processing difficult topics and getting things out of my brain.

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I‘m flirting with the phone Shabbath idea but so much is happening spontaneously on the weekend when one friend suddenly writes me a what’sapp and we end up having Brunch etc. I’m contemplating how to inform my friends so I get be offline while still connected to them 🤔

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I love your newsletter. But I adore the homework element you’ve included in this series. It inspires a different kind of thoughtfulness, intention, and action on my part that is so very wonderful. I find myself wanting to take a few days to mull before I post a response. It’s all so very lovely and I’m thoroughly enjoying this journey with you, Catherine, but also with those who are sharing their thoughts too.

As an avid reader, who has been avoiding non-fiction for the last while, I am going to set an intention of pulling a title from my (full!) bookshelves and opening to a random page, then journaling based on what that page had to offer me. I have done this sporadically in my life and am often amazed at how the right page in the right book shows up exactly when needed. For the next few weeks, I’m going to do this as a daily practice. THANK YOU.

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bibliomancy, of a sort - i love it! and so grateful to have you here on this journey!

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I'm giving morning pages another try! I read The Artist's Way and fully identify as a blocked creative! I've tried to stick with the morning pages practice several times, but always fall off the wagon because of the time commitment. It takes me a full hour to write out 3 pages! I wonder (not for the first time) if I am somehow doing it incorrectly...

I really appreciate you and your newsletter, Catherine! You are a positive light in the world!

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Hi Catherine! I just saw this linked in Austin Kleon's newsletter (synchronicity!) also referencing aphantasia https://austinkleon.com/tag/ed-catmull/

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OMG this is fascinating! Thank you!

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Do the first 3 now and they are rather consistent sources of play & experimentation. Interesting that this recommendation came in a week when the idea of space is coming at me from several different universe sources. Problems seem much bigger when I feel claustrophobic and confined, perspective is a powerful tool that requires maintenance.

Just picked up my very lovely and very messy brother who's back on the east coast with me for wedding season and so decluttering it is!

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For this week I chose the walk! I meditate daily and have gotten into morning pages (though I'm only doing it ~2-3 times a week and would like to get more consistent) but I chose the walk since I rarely do that without something in my ears. I did two 10 minute walks just to and from errands in the city. I find myself still getting quick lost in to-do list thoughts but you've got to start somewhere - I will keep it up here and there and see what happens!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I found you through Oliver Burkeman, and I am delighted! I teach freshman composition and every semester, we do a Screen-Free Saturday where I challenge the students to take a break from all technology for at least 4-6 hours. I do a 24-hour screenfast. They always have the MOST interesting reflections about that activity. It's my favorite. I'll be joining the Sabbath this week!

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I love this! I only started this screen-free sabbath last week but already found massive benefit so can't wait to keep it going. Love that you do that with your students - and welcome!

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I will be starting the Morning Pages for 15-20 minutes :) supplemented with the 10 minute morning routine of tapping/regulating my nervous system, it will be a very healing way to start each day

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