Jul 9, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

"I think when it became abundantly clear to the universe that I was not giving up a life in DC come hell or high water, a new branch of the river formed, and I traveled down that." <-- I love this. I don't think I've ever seen someone articulate this before, but it's one of my hopes that the universe is a kind and understanding and compassionate place and will reroute us when we stubbornly refuse to the easy way. This viewpoint makes me feel like there's no wrong decision which is extremely comforting to this recovering black and white thinker!!

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This Deepak Chopra quote always helps me with this:

“If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another.

The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience.

If this sounds too mystical, refer again to the body. Every significant vital sign- body temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, hormone level, brain activity, and so on- alters the moment you decide to do anything… decisions are signals telling your body, mind, and environment to move in a certain direction.”

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I used this quote in the speech I gave for my high school graduation! I love it so much.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

One area of my life where I notice a lot of force is with my health and healing my body. I always want there to be something I can do to help speed up the process, but at a certain point it usually just takes time and rest 😩. I’ve literally tried tricking myself into thinking that “I’m fine” so I can go out and do the thing I had planned as schedule, only to realize it was way too soon. Health for some reason is such a major area for me where I have such trouble surrendering...

I also just finished bingeing The Summer I Turned Pretty! Such a perfect summer show to watch - can’t wait for season 2 to come out next week!

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i can't remember if you ever join the tarot circles but we had a big discussion around this on the replay today with the Ace of Wands!

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Oh awesome! Going to watch the replay right now - thank you!

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“Honor our energetic capacity as it is right now. I’m willing to bow to where my body’s at today.” Ace of Wands is so spot on for me today as well. This is going to be my mantra this week. Thank you so, so much 💚💚💚🪄

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews


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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I find this one so hard. So hard, somtimes, to distinguish between, "am I just panicing about my life (my career, finances) and the urgency voices are just taking over because Im scared I dont have a career or wont make enough money and therefore just pushing for success.... OR is it actually drive and ambition fueling me?

I know I get so scared that I havent "made it yet" and that things feel unstable, but Im often not sure if what I actually need to do is surrender and trust that things will happen, or if I need to kick my butt in gear and MAKE things happen.

How do you know!?!

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this is where i turn to journaling and tarot - getting out of my head is critical and turning to these practices is what really helps me with that discernment. but i agree, it can be tricky and is a practice to learn!

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For about six months, my husband and I have been at odds about what life will look like after we retire next year. My intuition (and the tarot) advise me to let go of the battle of wills and see what happens, but I am afraid that surrendering to the flow will be the same as acquiescing to his version of the future...a future that does not bring peace to my heart. Is it possible to stop struggling against the current without committing myself to a future of regret?

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I feel like it's easier for me to see things in my past that I was forcing versus anything present day - I do think I'm likely forcing less than I used to, but it's also possible that things are more obvious in hindsight and I'm just missing something right now! In the past I've forced more in career and relationships and I feel like I'm getting better at that. Someone's comment below about health and body stuff actually resonates with me because that's one area where I freak out at even the tiniest physical symptom and go into hyper-manager mode to try to make it better/go away. This is a hard one!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Ooof this came at the right moment as I'm really wrestling with control and trusting the universe. Every time I feel like I'm making progress in this area, something comes up that has me spiraling and reaching for control/forcing action. Granted, I am in a transformative, up-leveling chapter of life right now haha. I really like the river metaphor, and I'm going to think about where the universe seems to be guiding me. Catherine, you've been rocking it with this series--great writing, really enjoyed it xo

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thank you jennifer and best of luck on this stretch of the river. remember - you got this.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Ooof this came at the right moment as I'm really wrestling with control and trusting the universe. Every time I feel like I'm making progress in this area, something comes up that has me spiraling and reaching for control/forcing action. Granted, I am in a transformative, up-leveling chapter of life right now haha. I really like the river metaphor, and I'm going to think about where the universe seems to be guiding me. Catherine, you've been rocking it with this series--great writing, really enjoyed it xo

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Love this. I feel like forcing myself with my current job. I really, really, REALLY want to quit and see what opens up for me when I’m not spending so much of my week irritated and annoyed dealing tasks I really despise. It feels like such a struggle. And even though I have quit a job before without a new one lined up (and proceeded to have the BEST TIME), I am going to really focus these next few months on finding a new job so that I can quit!

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I noticed I was trying to force to decide if I want to move abroad with my partner, because my head wanted a plan and clarity. But there was no clarity yet in my heart. So even though my heads prefers a bullet proof 5 year plan, I decided to wait for more heartfelt clarity before acting 💛🌈

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Where I'm living is a lot to take care of and I have deep resentments towards it and unfulfilled promise. I think that instead of obsessing (and assuming) that a move is necessary, I'd do well to shape the considerable clay I have right in front of me.

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