Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Thank you so much for today’s message! My biggie is FIGHT. Triggered into defensiveness, especially when I’m tired or overwhelmed. I lash out at my kids (now teens) & then feel guilty later. Will definitely try these techniques. At least I have the awareness part down pat. :)

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yes! now move from mental (awareness, thinking, knowing) into embodiment (doing something to shift it in the body). i hope these tactics help!!

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I'm sure they will help if I can remember to do it! Will probably start with one of the breathing techniques since it seems the easiest, but might try splashing cold water on my face. thank you again for the wonderful advice!

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you're so welcome! i have to print out a little post-it with all my recs on it because i definitely need help remembering too!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I think I'm going to pick two 5-minute exercises this week - 1) Tapping because I love it and I know it works, and also 2) Laying on the floor for 5 minutes because it's super grounding and I used to do it more often and think it will help!

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yes! the floor lying is totally underrated :)

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I am committing to trying one of the Brad Yates EFT videos every day. Reminding myself that it literally is only 5 minutes is helpful. Even though it’s always so helpful and I’m happy afterwards, it’s amazing how much resistance I have to it initially!

Also, the article about Flâneurs, reminded me a beautiful book I read a while back by Lauren Elkin called Flâneuse: Women Who Walk the City. It’s SO good - part memoir/part historical - highly recommend if you’re interested in this topic! https://www.amazon.com/Fl%C3%A2neuse-Women-Paris-Venice-London/dp/0374156042

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yes! he even has some 3 minute ones for the days when the resistance is strong. and thanks for the book rec - looks right up my alley!

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I am going to practice the 10 minutes from the Instagram reel you made! Tried it for the first time this morning and am so excited for "nervous system hygiene" - making it a habit just like brushing my teeth!

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Yay! May it serve you well <3

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Jul 2, 2023·edited Jul 2, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Thank you for this beautiful article. I love reading your blog. I'm sure many people find your posts helpful 💖


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thank you, Terry!

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This was a really special essay, thank you for the breakdown. Imma try all of these, but I don't know why ear massage is calling to me.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

In a big tapping era right now so will continue with that and i also love laying on the floor so going to incorporate that too!

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hooray! happy regulating!

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

Timely message, as always! I am definitely in freeze at the moment. Going to do 4-7-8 breathing, and look up my nervous system regulation workbook from Soothe to remember what I picked as ways to regulate myself when I’m in this state. I know adding lavender oil to body lotion is always a lovely pick me up, so off to do that now:).

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ooh that lotion/essential oil tip is great!!

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Catherine Andrews

I've been turning in lately to do IFS work, but I think my efforts will be more rewarding once I also start incorporating a daily grounding practice. At times, I find it is too "much" when I connect with some of my more active parts. It will be lovely to feel fully centered. Thanks for the tip!

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Yes! The more grounded you are, the "deeper" you can go with your parts, especially the exiles. Good luck!

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I have been loving this series. This one issue of the Sunday Soother in particular has been so serendipitous. I am doing the 4-7-8 breathing and I am going to try gargling/humming! Thank you so much for your amazing work.

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My biggest preventive nervous system excercise is alternate nostril breathing. I feel so much more calm and regulated afterwards. This series just inspired me to practice it again 😍🙏

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